Board of Directors Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the Board of Directors of the LWFTF.
Serving on the board is a rewarding experience and an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Completing this form will help you understand the skills and time/resource commitments of this volunteer leadership position. You may find it helpful to read through the entire application and Board Member Responsibilities before you begin filling it out.
This application and your information will be kept confidential by Latinos Working for the Future. Applications are used by the Board’s Nominating Committee to identify and evaluate potential board candidates. All new directors are elected by a majority vote of current board members.
Latinos Working for the Future was founded in 1991 to bridge the gap of the Muskegon, Latino community and local businesses and resources through education. Latinos Working for the Future provides education to the community, through talleres, college tours, the Muskegon County Latino Festival, fundraising events, cultural events and other forums.
We believe that everyone has a place at the table to connect local resources to the Latino Community of Muskegon County. Latinos Working for the Future Board will ensure they are the bridge to local resources and the Latino community, along with executing the annual goals decided by the board.
Board members commit to a three (3) year term for up to two (2) consecutive terms.
Responsibilities – All Board Members:
- Advocate for the mission of LWFTF through outreach, volunteer and fundraising.
- Help set and review annual board goals.
- Help hold the board accountable for meeting program goals.
- All other duties and delegations deemed necessary and appropriate by the LWFTF Board.
- Attend 7 of 10 meetings annually.
- In an instance that a Board of Director is absent 3 consecutive Board of Director meetings they forfeit their position.
- Board of Director will maintain good moral standing;
- Board of Director must fulfill the Board of Director duties, responsibilities and commitment.
- Volunteer for a minimum of 50% of LWFTF events annually.
- Seek funding in order to continue the work of LWFTF.
- Make an annual gift to LWFTF that is meaningful to you.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to unify and organize the community of Muskegon County by celebrating our culture, and increasing interest in our history, while preserving and honoring Latino Heritage.
Vision Statement
We fulfill our mission by:
- Establishing programs that celebrate the Latino history and culture;
- Creating and promoting cultural programming;
- Establishing information, referral services, and events focused on education, health and well-being.
Values Statement
We seek to build a network of partners including volunteers, sponsors and friends dedicated to
the fulfillment of our mission. As Latinos Working for the Future we see every person as uniquely gifted and of great value to our community.